Crina Ciocian, Managing Partner, Libero Events
I am very open about always being in the sceptics category with respect to coaching or mentorship. Somehow, the the illusory direction of speeches and pep talks did not convince me. So far, I I had the chance to discover in Sinziana a person with high moral standards and a sense of reality that is very rare to come by. Discreet and authentic, cerebral, funnier than one would believe and having a very well developed sense on how to help people reaching their potential. Chapeau!
Sînziana nu are întrebări notate pe o foaie la care așteaptă răspunsuri perfecte, ci te roagă să povestești tu despre tine, despre grijile și așteptările tale și colaborează cu tine în asa fel încât să îti dai singură răspunsurile la întrebările și grijile tale. Nu îti dă „mură-n-gură ce trebuie să faci, ci te îndeamnă să găsești tu singura rezolvare, iar asta te face să te simți utilă, încrezătoare și „în stare”. Mi-a facut o mare plăcere să particip la astfel de ședinte cu Sînziana. I consider that these coaching sessions help people to discover what they want to achieve in life. As a Life Coach or Business Coach, Sinziana will guide you the most friendly and professional way possible. Act now, there is only upside!
Gabriel Molnar, Owner & CEO Magnolia
The difference between a coach and a mentor is that the first one is a great teoretician without to much practice, and the second is a good example to follow but rarely verbalizes and gives away from his own "self". Sinziana has both these qualities as rarely one can find. Beside theoretical knowledge she has a solid and long practical experience out of which one can learn plenty.
Crina Ciocian, Managing Partner, Libero Events